Secrets of Bird Magic Vol. 1 | Dave Womach - (Download)

Artikelnummer: dvsecretsofbird1


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Secrets of Bird Magic Volume 1 features many new concepts with birds, including the exploding dove vanish, impromptu parakeet from Kleenex, and many, many more. Learn the beginning steps of how to train your parrot for a show. Everything you'll need to know to get your birds into your 1st show!
  • Amazing never before seen parakeet magic!
  • Including: Impromptu Parakeet From Kleenex!
  • Slow-Motion explanations on all dove techniques!
  • Featuring: The Exploding Dove Vanish!
  • Teach your parrot how to wave, shake its head, and perform a card trick!
  • How to safely train your parrot to get into a harness!
Running Time Approximately: 1hr 10min


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