Volume One
On this volume, you'll be treated to amazingly visual effects perfect for the platform performer.
Content Includes:
Cut & Restored Ribbon - The performer shows two lengths of ribbon and then clearly severs them. With just a gesture, they are restored.
Rose Surprise - Flower blossoms are produced from an empty cylinder.
Vanishing Rose - A rose blossom visibly vanishes right at the performer's fingertips.
Coin Production - Large silver coins are produced out of nowhere from a sheer scarf.
Jumping Knot - A red scarf is laid inside a folder. A white scarf is knotted. At the performer's command, the knot vanishes and is found to be tied in the red one.
Linking Silks - Three sheer scarves are tied into loops which then link and unlink in inexplicable and astounding ways.
Mia's Silk Puffs / Three Mysterious Knots - Knots are tied into the centers of three sheer scarves. The scarves are then tied together in a loop yet the center knots magically untie themselves while the scarves remain tied to each other.
Silk into a Bouquet of Flowers (explanation only) - An extremely clever method for producing a bouquet of spring flowers in the center of a sheer silk.
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