Treasures Vol. 2 | Alexander DeCova - (DVD)

Artikelnummer: DVDAD2TREASURES


* inkl. MwSt.* zzgl. Versandkosten

Lieferzeit: 3-5 Tage*

Multiple award-winner, Alexander De Cova has been one of Germany's top professional magicians for over 12 years. His creative and innovative thinking shines through in this, his first English language DVD series.

Here you will find visual, baffling and commercial magic that will delight you and your audience. Most of the material is relatively easy to learn and perfectly suited for the stand-up performer. You will also find many new tips and insights for enhancing your own present material.

All in all, enjoy the magic of one of Germany's most creative magicians!

  • Flash Restoration
  • Cups & Balls Moves
  • Blank Cheque Transpo
  • Pro Card To Wallet
  • Ball To Silk
  • A New Rope Move
  • Chopstick Vanish
  • Master Silks Routine
Running Time Approximately 1hr 10min


* gilt für Lieferungen innerhalb Deutschlands, Lieferzeiten für andere Länder entnehmen Sie bitte der Schaltfläche mit den Versandinformationen