Imagine ... extracting a two-inch contact lens from your eye and changing it into a pair of glasses ... causing a spectator's card to rise completely out of the deck and then hover in mid-air with a life of its own ... having the spectator's selected card develop right before their eyes like a Polaroid picture ... viciously tearing up a playing card and restoring it by simply waving your hand over the torn pieces ... your coin-in-bottle routine going awry when the bottle is accidentally slapped inside the coin ... being able to melt two pieces of rope into one and perform a most bizarre sliding know routine ... having a color changing deck routine run wild ending with no less than five color changes ... showing your audience your deft skill by spearing a tossed quarter with a pencil ... a cards-across routine where the spectator's signed card vanishes from those traveling across and ends up inside your wallet ... a whole new meaning to "cold, hard cash," as a dollar bill visibly changes into a silver dollar at your fingertips ... a single playing card transforming into a complete deck of fifty-two cards right before your eyes ... IMAGINE ... performing all these superlative routines plus many more. Wouldn't you want this book in your possession? Hardbound, illustrated, 107 pages, full-color dust jacket, matching endsheets.
* gilt für Lieferungen innerhalb Deutschlands, Lieferzeiten für andere Länder entnehmen Sie bitte der Schaltfläche mit den Versandinformationen