Effects included:
- Perpetual Balls
- The Cookie Mystery
- Waters of India
- Stretching a Hank
- Ring, Rope, & Pin
- The Bouncing Fruit
- The Spirit Hand
- Ashes Thru Hand
- Karrel Fox's Napkin Vanish
- Calendar Caper
- Wrigley Feel
- A sweet prediction
- Broken & Restored Match
- The Book Test
- Pencil Thru Bill
- Ultra Sensory Perception
- One-Handed Knot (without releasing the ends)
- Silk Thru Arm
Volume 2
Effects Included:
Volume 3
Effects Included:
- Piano Matches
- Vanishing Comb
- Mind Reading
- Double Drawer Matches
- Dropped Box Matches
- Broken and Restored Band
- Two-Match Transfer
- Bill to Matches
- Chink-a-Chink
- The Bill Roll
- The Burned Bill
- The Hell Tear
- The Crying Quarter
- Collar Coin Vanish
- Vanishing Penny
- Stern Paper Fold
- Coin Thru Pants
- Pencil Coin Vanish
- Travelling Match #2
- Cellophane Surprise
- Coin Thru Hand
- Swallowing a Knife
- Stretching the Arm
- Removable Finger
- Removable Thumb
- T.V. Coin Production
- Glass Thru Table
- Smoke Cocktail
- Paul Harris' Fizz Master
* gilt für Lieferungen innerhalb Deutschlands, Lieferzeiten für andere Länder entnehmen Sie bitte der Schaltfläche mit den Versandinformationen