So what does Ken Niinuma's magic look like? Think John Bannon, Allan Ackerman, and Caleb Wiles...with a distinctly Asian flair. Here are details on three routines found in the collection:
Waltz: a beautiful effect for couples where under impossible conditions two signed selections find each other.
Thunderstruck: The Bannon Triumph, Japanese style. In this blockbuster Triumph extravaganza, you find all the cards of a particular suit, and then find ALL the other suits in an unexpected, surprising ending.
Crackdown: This is that rare sandwich effect worth learning (we're cynical about most sandwich tricks, but this is GOOD). Two selections are inserted fairly into the deck and the Kings then placed face up in the middle. With no moves whatsoever you immediately spread the deck to show that the Kings have moved throughout the deck to sandwich the selections.
The name Three Secrets is a hint - a big hint, actually. There really are three secrets hidden within this DVD. There is much more than meets the eye, so happy hunting, easter-egg fans!
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