The deck is shown front and back to be completely normal. A spectator freely selects a card and the magician states that he will reveal the card with the help of his trusty "assistant". Out of nowhere, a character appears on top of the cards, ready to perform a Circus Sideshow act. As the magician riffles through the cards, the animation begins! An animated character throws a deck of cards up with one hand, launches a dart with his other hand, and visibly pierces the selected card to the bulls-eye on the dart board. The magician continues, as the magician shows all the faces of the cards have changed to the selection. For the kicker, the cards are shown all different, WITH NO ANIMATION ON THE BACK! " NO SLEIGHTS " 4 AMAZING EFFECTS " 1ST CLASS ANIMATION " NO RE-SET
* gilt für Lieferungen innerhalb Deutschlands, Lieferzeiten für andere Länder entnehmen Sie bitte der Schaltfläche mit den Versandinformationen