"This book will sneak up on you and blow your mind."
- Abraham Lincoln
"Honestly bro... this is pretty average."
-Andy (The Jerx)
Table of Contents:
- Bottoms Up Switch
- Optical Clock
- Eye Of Faro
- The Book Cut
- Four Loco
- Tabled Four Loco
- Snap Back Change
- Bluff It Like Beckham
- Paper Chase
- Crimp-lication
- Pizza Fan
- The 180 Change
- The Phantom Spread
- Handstand Reveal
- Gravity Switch
- The Clutch Deal
- Le Paul Of The Wild
- "Top" Secret Swap
- Dough Boy
- Sudsy Sleight
- Spread Eagle
- Toaster Change
- Top Shelf Display
- The Fleece Flick
- Double Or Nothing
- Fireproof Fortune
- Flip Side Foolery
- The Poltergeist Pack
* gilt für Lieferungen innerhalb Deutschlands, Lieferzeiten für andere Länder entnehmen Sie bitte der Schaltfläche mit den Versandinformationen