- Tim Trono
Would you like to learn some brand-new killer effects that you can perform anytime, anyplace and without any props?
Then you're in luck! Mark Elsdon's new Conversation As Mentalism Volume 5 is just what you're looking for.
In The Stars - A recording that impossibly predicts EVERY choice a participant will make!
ACDC - The performer correctly identifies the exact date of a random coin that he never touches.
Three Objects One Brain ' Three participants choose and hide three random objects whilst the performer's back is turned. Nevertheless, he immediately knows everything!
No Weigh! - Under increasingly impossible conditions, the performer is able to tell the 'weight' of a word.
Poetry In Motion - Several participants compose a Haiku. A Haiku that inexplicably already exists...
The Pen That Cannot Lie - The truth will win out. A killer (and very easy!) two-person coding system...
Dreamachine - An incredible number revelation from the devious mind of Andrew Brown.
Oodles of Doodles - A simple, yet powerful, impromptu psychometry demonstration.
BPW - A random book, a random page, a random word. A not-at-all random revelation.
Nine brand new effects that have been designed with one outcome in mind - to amaze whomever you are talking to without the aid of any gadgets, gizmos, or gimmicks.
Conversation As Mentalism Volume 5 once again teaches pure, propless mentalism at its most organic.
Praise for the Conversation As Mentalism series:
"It is my firm belief that the title of these books should be changed to The Essential Handbooks of Impromptu Mentalism. The routines taught are all very simple, direct, and deeply fooling. This material should be in the arsenal of every modern mentalist! I give it my highest recommendation."
- Michael Murray
"These are Mark's other great releases up there with the Meridian Technique. As well as the clever effects, and probably more importantly, you're going to learn an attitude that can be used to approach performing in all real-world situations."
- Colin McLeod
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