Perfect Bag for Alan Wakeling's Hand Cuff Escape | VIKING

Artikelnummer: MCHCW-HANDCUFF


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Dies ist die ideale Tasche für Alan Wakelings Routine zur Handschellen-Befreiung.

Die Tasche kommt mit englischsprachiger Anleitung für die Tasche sowie einem großen Schlüssel und einer Kappe für ein kleinesTrinkglas und einer weiteren Anleitung, in der erklärt wird, wie diese beiden zusätzlichen Requisiten zusammen mit der Tasche eingesetzt werden können.
 Jeder der Jim Steinmeyers großartiges Buch "The Magic of Alan Wakeling" besitzt, findet dort seine wundervolle Routine.

Jetzt folgt noch der englischsprachige Bewerbungstext:

Alan Wakeling created a great Handcuff Escape. Viking has manufactured the unique canvas and leather bag used in this effect.

The Magic of Alan Wakeling is an incredible documentation of a brilliant inventor’s work, albeit too short; there is so much more to this great inventor/performer. Alan’s contributions to Magic are legion. One of his outstanding presentations is his Handcuff Escape. This performance is routined for maximum impact. It has Magic, mystery and comedy. It packs small and plays really big.

EFFECT: The performer is locked in a set of chain cuffs or even a set of Thumb Cuffs. Each time he dips his hands into the bag, he immediately brings one hand out, free of the chains. Just as quickly, he inserts his handd and comes out securely locked. This is repeated several times to great comedy effect. At one point he produces a large key stating that when the bag was examined, they failed to find this 6-INCH ESCAPE KEY!

You can conclude the routine by producing a lit cigarette lighter to light a cigarette or you can produce a shot glass full of liquid! Yes, the bag does this for you!

The problem has been finding the proper equipment, more specifically, the custom canvas bag. Well, look no further. We have made the perfect bag according to Alan’s specifications. Our bag is made of durable duck canvas with reinforced genuine leather corners. Instead of the canvas straps (as in the original) we have replaced them with two beautiful chrome chains. These not only look great but serve a wonderful visual purpose.

Quite honestly, this is a superior quality, professional accessory that any pro would love to use. We guarantee this item 100%

Bag measures 18″ wide x 12″ deep. Supplied with 2 chrome chains, chrome steel rings and specially constructed bag with leather accents, including basic instructions. One addition that the original did not have was a secret compartment which will allow you to hide things like the jumbo key, lighter, shot glass of liquid, and more. JUMBO KEY NOW INCLUDED at no extra cost, PLUS a perfect rubber cap to seal your shot glass, all at no extra charge!

Sadly, we are not able to include the Wakeling routine as we have not been given permission to do so, BUT, anyone having access to Jim Steinmeyer’s great book, The Magic of Alan Wakeling can find a complete description of this wonderful routine. In lieu of this, we have given you our version of the routine in the instructions. Search out the book though; you won’t be sorry. And now, with our professional bag, the rest is easy.


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