Paul Voodini presents The Chimney Sweep's Victorian Oracle. This PDF eBook contains a full reading guide along with the lost history of the Victorian chimney sweep readers. Sweeping the chimney cost a penny. Divining the future cost sixpence.
Utilizing two items that we are sure you already own (a pack of playing cards and a pendulum), this fascinating eBook will allow you to provide stunning readings with an enchanting back-story.
Take a walk along the fog-shrouded streets of olde London Town. There, spiritualism and mesmerism vied for the attentions of the sensation-hungry public, and Jack the Ripper and Sherlock Holmes stalked the cobble-stoned alleyways of the legendary East End. This is the world of the Chimney Sweep's Victorian Oracle. This reading system will allow you to quickly master a half-forgotten method of divination, and bestow upon yourself the title "Honorary Sweep & Diviner of Fortunes!"
This eBook also includes a guide to that other traditional method of fortune telling employed in the East End of London - the legendary tea leaves!
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