The reason this works is because there is a delta pattern to winning. Imagine playing Rock-Paper-Scissors with someone. If you knew what they were about to choose, then you'd know what to play to beat them. The same is true here. Green beats red. Red beats blue. Blue beats green.
However, there is a twist! For the next round of games, you bring out the second die of each color. The numbers on these dice match exactly with their corresponding color. After explaining the delta pattern of winning, you proclaim that, with a pair of colored dice, their chances of winning will be doubled. In reality, it does just the opposite. Now Blue beats red. Red beats green and Green beats blue. The delta pattern reverses. It's amazing! Made in the USA.
This is a great gift for the math minded or for those who like gambling-related games.
* gilt für Lieferungen innerhalb Deutschlands, Lieferzeiten für andere Länder entnehmen Sie bitte der Schaltfläche mit den Versandinformationen