Deluxe Cylinder and Coins Set | Ignazio Lopez

Artikelnummer: CYLINDERCOINS-1


* inkl. MwSt.* zzgl. Versandkosten

Lieferzeit: 3-5 Tage*

These sets are an original handmade product by artist Ignacio Lopez. They are exclusively made to the highest standards.

It is worth mentioning that the replica coins are of high quality, they do not oxidize since their base is made of bronze and they have a very durable patina. The Morgan coins are not recommended to be cleaned, but they take more shine when used with continuity.

Each set includes a booklet in paper format written by Ignazio Lopez. In that booklet he explains John Ramsay's original routine, with hundreds of unpublished details about how he came to create this wonderful routine. You will also see the story of how Dai Vernon took his idea to create a different routine. Finally, the booklet has a wealth of references for researching and developing your own routine.

This set includes:

  • 1 High Quality leather cylinder
  • 1 Original Protective Leater Box
  • 1 Stack of four coins (Replica Morgan Dollars)
  • 4 Matching singel Coins (Replica Morgan Dollars)
  • 1 Special Leather Purse
  • 2 Pieces of cork


* gilt für Lieferungen innerhalb Deutschlands, Lieferzeiten für andere Länder entnehmen Sie bitte der Schaltfläche mit den Versandinformationen