What Happens In Vegas is a super easy, ultra baffling double predictions effect. A deck of Vegas Casino playing cards are shown. Each card has a different back design representing a different casino and a different face. Your spectator is invited to stop you at any point as you start dealing the cards into a pile onto the table (they have a free choice of where to stop).Lets say they stop you on Ballys.You now flip the deck over and start dealing a face-up pile on to the table (let say your spectator now stops you on the 7 of spades) You now reveal your prediction, a beautiful poker chip but the casino is wrong? You turn over the chip and show it has a card printed on the other side but once again it doesn't match? Well so far this hasn't gone to well, But then you remember! You turn over the Ballys card and WHAM! The card on the face matches the chip! Now comes hit number two. You turn over their playing card to reveal the casino on the back and DOUBLE WHAMMY the casino on the back matches your chip!
• You will love performing this great effect!
• What Happens In Vegas is so easy to do and comes with all the beautiful custom props and full online tutorial.
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