From the spectator point of view the deck is a complete chaos with cards face up and face down.
Tricks inside the download: 1. AC+AN (Any Card + Any number): The spectator shuffles the deck, looks at any card and loses it in the deck, then thinks of a random number and does another shuffle. The magician shows a prediction number and sums it to the spectator number, the card is in this position.
2. Yellow Submarine: A great idea of musical prediction, the magician sends a music box to the spectator as a gift and some cards with colors and draws. The spectators turn that card and shuffle. At the end keeps with two different halves that form a song. When the spectator turns the music box on, the song sounds.
3. AK7 Coincidence: very funny trick with a turn deck of cards with a surprise ending when the magician fails.
4. Mirror mirror: an automatic trick using a SiStebbins deck of cards or any mirror deck.
5. Bonus ideas: some bonus ideas as Card Stab and messy book test using this technique.
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