The idea is that a deck of cards is cut and shuffled, and the spectator follows a series of instruction cards that are increasingly fair and impossible. And despite the mixing and the COMPLETE fairness of the procedure, the spectator finds her OWN selection... and then she finds all three mates to the selected card.
- Really easy to do
- The special deck does everything for you
- Fully customizable
"When I first saw Caleb perform the Fully Automatic Card Trick on Fool Us I was smiling, ear to ear, because it had all the hallmarks of a great piece of magic: engaging presentation, completely deceptive, and unlike anything I've seen before. I'm a big fan of Caleb, and this trick!"
- Joshua Jay
Note: Can only be performed in English.
* gilt für Lieferungen innerhalb Deutschlands, Lieferzeiten für andere Länder entnehmen Sie bitte der Schaltfläche mit den Versandinformationen