March 2023
Chipper Lowell: A Chip Off the Old Block by Dustin Stinett
The Secret Society of Golden Age Magical Mystery Writers by Neil Tobin
Genii Speaks by Richard Kaufman
In Memoriam Joe Stevens by Nick Saint-Erne
The Eye by Vanessa Armstrong
Exhumations Autonomously Sly by Jon Racherbaumer
Chamber of Secrets Floyd Thayer: Folk Artist by John Gaughan
Thoughts ... Elements of an Effect, Part One by Rafael Benatar
Cardopolis Plenty of Fish by David Britland
Artifices South American Notes, Destination: Brazil Invisible Transposition of a Ball by Roberto Mansilla
Expert at the Kids' Table What Did I Get for Hanukkah? by David Kaye
Magicana by Chris Beason
- The Everlasting Snap Change by Chris Hanowell
- Burst and Reversed by Chris Wiehl
- Knights at The Magic Castle by Shawn McMaster
- Now Appearing at The Magic Castle
Videos Reviewed by Joe M. Turner
- Jim Steinmeyer Masterclass by Jim Steinmeyer
- Carisa Hendrix Masterclass by Carisa Hendrix
- Bamboozlers Volume 4 by Diamond Jim Tyler
- Death from a Top Hat by Clayton Rawson
- Magic Bookplates by James B Alfredson and Bernhard Schmitz
- "Three Skulls on a Spike" by Andy Nyman
- "Cut and Color" by Neil Tobin
- "Refilled" by Henry Harrius
- "Crazyman's Split" by Henry Harrius
- "Bammo Backtrack Jack" by Bob Farmer
- "The Casino High Roller Deck" by Bob Farmer
- "The Long and Short of It" by David Regal
- "Blade Thru Bill" and "Quarter Pot" by Mike Hummer
- "The Mobius Rising Card" by Chen Yang
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