"Houdini was one of the most famous stage magicians and illusionists in the world; even today, ask the average person to name a magician and Houdini will come to mind. Harry Houdini died on Halloween Night, 1926 - an auspicious date, given his deep interest in spiritualism and related matters. Just days before he died, as if he had a premonition of the accident that would befall him, he is said to have written a letter to his wife Bess to be opened following his death. As it turned out, this was to be his final letter. I have a replica of the letter here. Speculation has grown that the letter contained clues about how he could be contacted from beyond the grave, but in fact it comprised a series of simple instructions. I'd like you to follow those instructions now..."
This is a customized Houdini theme version of Wayne's Conjurer's Choice with full permission from Norm Nielson to reprint all the authentic magic posters of famous magicians and the cards reduced from postcard size to poker card size which make this a lot better to perform and very commercial.
You receive the full set of high quality full color printed cards, an antique letter from Houdini made in tyvek material. Video and PDF written instructions are both included.
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