- Eugene Burger
This landmark work has finally been fully and dramatically captured in multi-faceted, multi-mediated form by Jon Racherbaumer, and L & L Publishing is proud to offer a vital masterwork written the way magic books should be written. Not only are all of Don Alan's signature tricks explained in meticulous detail, but his unique format, important sub-text, psychology and presentation - the life-blood of what set Don Alan apart from the rest, is fully explained. These are the aspects which made his entertaining routines the prevailing paradigm of 20th Century Close-up Magic. You will get an inside look at what made Don Alan the most talked about and most copied close-up entertainer of all time. And you will learn the whys and hows of his synergistic routine-making and the all-important underlying themes: the Circle of Fun, the uses of environmental and personal spaces, picking players, timing, control, momentum, interrogation strategy, and much more . . .
- Hardbound, 309 Pages, 330 Freeze-Frame Photos
- 41 items, including Don Alan's professional Pretty Sneaky Act, which is comprised of 13 action-packed, fully developed presentations
- Introductions by Eugene Burger and Ron Bauer
- A retrospective review of Don Alan's Magic Ranch television series
- Two behind-the-scenes, candid, and thought-provoking interviews with Don.
- 16 Scrapbook Photos
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