Contents include:
The Pivotal Peek -This is the move Ryan is most known for. This is a great peek done while holding the deck in a modified peek position. The move is invisible and is well described. Ryan goes on to describe two effects using the Peek.
When In Doubt, Read a Palm -A great opener using a palm reading demonstration and a deck of cards
A Lesson in Gravity -A sandwich plot using specially printed cards that Ryan describes how to make.
Fraternal Bond -From a shuffled deck, a magician miraculously predicts the outcome of future events
Sense-sational -An impossible location done with three spectators. The presentation is commercial and the multiple methods used, combine to form an effect even magicians will have a hard time backtracking.
Fing-jit-su -A presentation for Pit Hartling's Finger Flicker routine, described in full with permission.
Sprung & Dagger -A card stab routine done with cards and a rubberband. A great take on the classic plot.
Misfit Queens -A take on a Jon Racherbaumer version of a Hofzinser plot.
Foregone Conclusion -A take on the invisible card plot. Teaches a great control by Jon Racherbaumer (described with permission).
And many more... Effects with name tags, 4 of a kind productions, Frixion pens and more.
Pages: 113 - 8.5" x 11" - Hardcover - Black and white illustrations
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