The magician is seen holding a white rose. He then takes and breaks the head of the rose off and turns it into a white silk streamer. Later in the routine, the magician takes and pours out a glass of wine from a wine bottle. He then takes the broken rose stem, and dips it into the glass of wine. Upon removing the stem from the glass of wine, the stem emerges with a beautiful red rose on the end.
The above effect requires the Ulti-Rose Color Changing Rose effect. See the Related Items section below for more information on this effect.
Here are some other great ideas for use of the Ulti-Dry Glass:
- Pulling dry silks from the inside of a glass of liquid.
- Pulling the spectator's chosen card from inside a glass of liquid. Note: the card would have to be curved to fit inside the tube, but could be straightened out after it emerges from the glass.
- Pulling Mylar streamers from the inside of a glass of liquid.
- Pulling cigars, cigarettes, appearing candles, spring flowers or any other small items that will fit inside the inner tube.
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