The collector's out there will also be interested to know that there is an Unanchored: Collector's Edition. The collector's edition is limited to 250 sets and includes:
- Unanchored book with a blue-painted edge
- Signed and numbered bookplate
- Deck of Unanchored Playing Cards in a special edition Clove St. tuck
- Gilded deck of Unanchored Playing Cards
- Special magnetic-closure box to hold the book and decks
- A fully-custom deck of cards, with a shattered pip on each face
- Normal Joker
- Joker/3S double facer (routine in the book)
- Palm reading art card with a Two of Clubs reveal on the back (routine in the book)
- Duplicate Seven of Hearts with a factory printed pencil-dot you can use for all the pencil-dot routines in the book
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