All the items have been photographed and are explained in great detail. Here is what you will find.
- The Ambitious Card: With all the "Get Readies" choreographed into the trick for automatic double turnovers.
- Licked At Last: An easy to do "In The Hands Triumph" that really packs a wallop.
- The Card To Wallet: A killer "no palm" card to wallet.
- The Magic Cards: A fun routine that leaves them wondering.
- Wow Revisited: A spiffed up version of "The Biddle Trick".
- Chromo Balls: An updated Technicolor revamping of "The Three Ball Transposition".
- The Airplane Card: Melding Vernon and Carlyle to produce an impossible "Card To Pocket".
- Michigan Monte: A no gaff version of "Sidewalk Shuffle."
- Coins Through The Table: This trick fooled Charlie Miller.
- Invisible Palm: This version features the vanish of the last Ace that you can actually do.
- Back To The 19th Century: An incredible assembly using no gaffs or extra cards.
- Plus much more:
Pages 100 - Hard Bound
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